Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Who is trying to change the Polish-Poland history? watch the film " Upside Down "

Who is trying to change the Polish-Poland history? watch the film " Upside Down "

DLACZEGO OBECNY Minister Spraw Zagranicznych nie chce Propagowac tego wspanialego filmu o Polsce?

Panie Ministrze Sikorski niech pan zmieni swoje zdanie! Gdzie Pan sie
urodzil? Tak Polski i Polakow w kraju i na obczyznie pan powinien wspierac!!
Polsce trzeba tej swiadomosci narodowej.

Film „Upside Down” watch

ukazuje brak wiedzy i nieświadomość światowej opinii publicznej używającej określenia „polskie obozy koncentracyjne”, w odniesieniu do obozów zorganizowanych przez Niemców na okupowanych ziemiach polskich। Film powstał z inicjatywy kanadyjskiej Polonii przy wsparciu finansowym Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych (i osobiście Anny Fotygi), które na ten cel przeznaczyło 250 tysięcy złotych।

Prosimy o dotacje dla Niepodleglego Radia Maryja

Konta złotówkowe- PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruńnr 69 1020 5011 0000 9602 0012 9130- Bank Pocztowy S.A. O/Toruńnr 77 1320 1120 2565 1113 2000 0003z dopiskiem: "Dar na cele kultu religijnego"
Konta walutoweEUR - PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruńul. Grudziądzka 4, 87-100 Toruńnr 65 1020 5011 0000 9602 0105 7298Funty GBP - PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruńul. Grudziądzka 4, 87-100 Toruńnr 08 1020 5011 0000 9502 0105 7306Dolary USD - PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruńul. Grudziądzka 4, 87-100 Toruńnr 13 1020 5011 0000 9302 0105 7314(Ofiarodawcy spoza Polski przed numerem konta winni dopisać symbol PL, a po numerze: SWIFT - BPKOPLPW)
Konto w USARADIO MARYJA, P.O. BOX 39565CHICAGO, IL 60639-0565
Konto w KanadzieSt। Stanislaus - St. Casimir's Polish Parishes - Credit Union Limited40 John St., Oakville, ONT L6K 1G8Numer konta: 84920

Nic nie ma dla mnie Ja tylko jestem Polski Patriota w Washington DC

Ku chwale ojczyzny! dla dobra nas wszystkich

Alex Lech Bajan
Polish AmericanCEORAQport Inc.2004 North Monroe StreetArlington Virginia 22207Washington DC AreaUSATEL: 703-528-0114TEL2: 703-652-0993FAX: 703-940-8300sms: 703-485-6619EMAIL: office@raqport.comWEB SITE:


Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych / Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Rzecznik Prasowy: kontakty z mediami / Spokesman: cooperates with the media
tel. (+48-22) 5239356
fax (+48-22) 5239099

Informacja konsularna: praktyczne informacje dla wyjeżdżających lub przebywających za granicą / Consular Information: information for Polish citizens abroad

tel. (+48-22) 5239451

Departament Konsularny i Polonii: sprawy konsularne (opieka konsularna, wizy) oraz sprawy dot. Polonii za granicą / Department of Consular and the Polish Diaspora Affairs: supervises the work of Polish consular offices and officers, ensures protection of Poland ’s rights and interests abroad as well as of those of Polish nationals and legal persons in foreign countries, elaborates guidelines for cooperation with other nations in the field of movement of persons as well as visa, migration and asylum policies, is involved in protection of rights of Polish communities abroad, authenticates Polish documents meant for use abroad
tel. (+48-22) 5239444
fax (+48-22) 5238029, 523887

Departament Strategii i Planowania Polityki Zagranicznej: otoczenie międzynarodowe, stosunki międzynarodowe, główne kierunki aktywności międzynarodowej RP / Department of Strategy and Foreign Policy Planning: analyses the international environment of the Republic of Poland, elaborates strategies of Poland ’s activities on the international forum, cooperates with scientific institutions, drafts the minister’s exposés as well as reports setting out main Polish foreign policy objectives for the next year
tel. (+48-22) 5239051
fax (+48-22) 5238051

Departament Unii Europejskiej: sprawy związane z UE / Department of the European Union: is engaged in Poland ’s policy towards European nations
tel. (+48-22) 5239175
fax (+48-22) 6210213

Departament Polityki Wschodniej: sprawy związane z działalnością Wspólnoty Niepodległych Państw, Wspólnoty Demokratycznego Wyboru, Grupy GUAM, Szanghajskiej Organizacji Współpracy, Organizacji Czarnomorskiej Współpracy Gospodarczej, Wspólnej Przestrzeni Gospodarczej, Organizacji Układu o Bezpieczeństwie Zbiorowym, Euro-Azjatyckiej Wspólnoty Gospodarczej, Związku Białorusi i Rosji / Department of Eastern Policy: matters connected with the activity of the Community of Independent States, Community of Democratic Choice, GUAM Group, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Common Economic Area, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Eurasian Economic Community, Union of Belarus and Russia
tel. (+48-22) 5239250
fax (+48-22) 5238232

Departament Polityki Bezpieczeństwa: problemy bezpieczeństwa i obronności RP / Department of Security Policy: deals with security and defense-related issues, with due account of threats posed to security of Poland , attends on the cooperation of the Republic of Poland with NATO, WEU and OSCE, as well as with the European Union with regard to the Common European Security and Defense Policy, assists Poland ’s representatives working on NATO projects, is involved in conventional arms control, assists representatives of the Republic of Poland engaged in pursuit of disarmament initiatives, is responsible for the international cooperation of defense industries
tel. (+48-22) 5239205
fax (+48-22) 6285841
fax (+48-22) 5238049

Departament Prawno-Traktatowy: umowy międzynarodowe, dla których ministrem właściwym jest Minister Spraw Zagranicznych / Department of Legal and Treaty Issues: watches over performance of the minister’s responsibilities ensuing from provisions on international agreements, exercises supervision over the implementation of international agreements concluded by the Republic of Poland , in respect of the minister’s area of responsibility, participates in negotiating international agreements, opines on issues related to public and private international law, keeps an archive of all texts of international agreements and related documents, deals with human rights and ethnic minority-related issues, provides extensive assistance to persons representing Poland before international human rights protection bodies
tel. (+48-22) 5239424
fax (+48-22) 5238329

Departament Systemu Narodów Zjednoczonych i Problemów Globalnych: współpraca RP z organizacjami i organami Narodów Zjednoczonych / Department of the United Nations System and Global Issues: is involved in Poland ’s cooperation with organizations and organs of the United Nations’ system, ensures assistance to Poland ’s representatives in the disarmament-related work of UN bodies and organizations, handles the issue of Poland ’s participation in peacekeeping operations of the United Nations, coordinates establishment of Poland ’s positions with regard to global problems, deals with cooperation for development.
tel. (+48-22) 5239400
fax (+48-22) 6210217

Departament Współpracy Rozwojowej: problematyka międzynarodowej współpracy na rzecz rozwoju, obsługa narodowego programu współpracy rozwojowej, współpraca z instytucjami pomocowymi UE, OECD (DAC) i Systemu NZ / The Development Co-operation Department: foreign assistance that includes development assistance and support for the process of building democracy and a civil society.
tel. (+48-22) 5238073
fax (+48-22) 5238074

Departament Zagranicznej Polityki Ekonomicznej: tworzenie założeń zagranicznej polityki ekonomicznej RP oraz sprawy związane z członkostwem RP w OECD, Światowej Organizacji Handlu, Banku Światowym, Międzynarodowym Funduszu Walutowym, Europejskim Banku Inwestycyjnym i Europejskim Banku Odbudowy i Rozwoju / Department of Foreign Economic Policy: helps work out guidelines for Poland ’s external economic policy, analyses main problems and trends in international economic relations, evaluates the economic security of the Republic of Poland , participates in projects undertaken in connection with Poland ’s membership of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and of the World Trade Organization
tel. (+48-22) 5239203
fax (+48-22) 5239149

Departament Europy: sprawy dotyczące państw kontynentu europejskiego (z wyłączeniem kwestii wizowych i konsularnych oraz organizacji międzynarodowych) / Department of Europe: is engaged in Poland ’s policy towards European nations and its cooperation with the said nations, collects information on the political, economic, scientific and cultural situation in particular European nations, is in charge of bilateral consultations and official visits, exercises supervision of the work of Polish diplomatic missions in Europe
tel. (+48-22) 5239757
fax (+48-22) 5239764
fax (+48-22) 5239817

Departament Ameryki: sprawy dotyczące państw kontynentu amerykańskiego (z wyłączeniem kwestii wizowych i konsularnych) oraz organizacji regionalnych : OPA, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, FTAA / Department of the Americas: is engaged in Poland ’s policy towards nations of the Americas and its cooperation with the said nations, collects information on the political, economic, scientific and cultural situation in particular American nations, is in charge of bilateral consultations and official visits, exercises supervision of the work of Polish diplomatic missions in the Americas
tel. (+48-22) 5239270
fax (+48-22) 6226462

Departament Azji i Pacyfiku: sprawy dotyczące państw regionu Azji i Pacyfiku (z wyłączeniem kwestii wizowych i konsularnych) oraz międzynarodowych organizacji regionalnych: ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, ARF, KNPN, KEDO i innych / Department of Asia and Pacific Region: is engaged in Poland ’s policy towards nations of Asia and the Pacific region and its cooperation with the said nations, collects information on the political, economic, scientific and cultural situation in particular nations of Asia and the Pacific region, is in charge of bilateral consultations and official visits, exercises supervision of the work of Polish diplomatic missions in Asia and the Pacific region
tel. (+48-22) 5239302
fax (+48-22) 5239599

Departament Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu: sprawy dotyczące państw regionu Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu ( z wyłączeniem kwestii wizowych i konsularnych) oraz międzynarodowych organizacji regionalnych: LPA, DA, OKI, SADC, RWPZ, UMA, COMESSA, ECOWAS, COMESA / Department of Africa and the Middle East: is engaged in Poland ’s policy towards nations of Africa and the Middle East and its cooperation with the said nations, collects information on the political, economic, scientific and cultural situation in particular nations of Africa and the Middle East , is in charge of bilateral consultations and official visits, exercises supervision of the work of Polish diplomatic missions in Africa and the Middle East
tel. (+48-22) 5239583
fax (+48-22) 5238113
fax (+48-22) 6287819

Departament Systemu Informacji: polityka zagraniczna Polski, witryny internetowe Ministerstwa oraz placówek zagranicznych, działalność Rzecznika Prasowego MSZ / Department of Information System: is in charge of the system of storing, processing and circulating information within the Ministry and in Polish diplomatic missions, prepares and disseminates information on Poland ’s foreign policy, cooperates with the media in conveying information regarding the work of the Polish foreign service, handles accreditation of foreign correspondents
tel. (+48-22) 5239318
fax (+48-22) 6283353

Departament Promocji: akcje i materiały promujące Polskę za granicą / Department of Public Diplomacy: is in charge of promotion of the Republic of Poland abroad and elaborates appropriate strategies serving that end, encourages contacts with various social groups in foreign countries, focusing on opinion-forming circles, is responsible for creating a positive image of Poland abroad
tel. (+48-22) 5239975
fax (+48-22) 5239898

Protokół Dyplomatyczny: sprawy dotyczące korpusu dyplomatycznego akredytowanego w RP / Diplomatic Protocol: is in charge of visits by heads of state and government as well as those by ministers of foreign affairs, makes arrangements for audiences of foreign diplomats accredited to Poland with Polish top-level state officials, makes arrangements for and provides catering services to diplomatic functions, handles accreditation and exequatur of representatives of foreign states to Poland , watches over the observance of diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities.
tel. (+48-22) 5239220
fax (+48-22) 5239617

Biuro Kadr i Szkolenia: sprawy dotyczące kwestii kadrowych (aplikacje, praktyki) oraz szkoleniowych / Human Resources Bureau: is in charge of matters pertaining to employment contracts of personnel both in the ministry and in Poland ’s foreign missions, supervises observance of provisions of labor law in the ministry, deals with employment policy of the ministry pertaining to Poland ’s foreign missions, handles matters related to old-age and disability pensions of the ministry’s employees, supervises and coordinates periodical appraisals of employees’ performance, provides attendance on the ministry’s disciplinary commission and keeps its archive, organizes recruitment to the diplomatic and consular service, runs professional training courses for employees and their families
tel. (+48-22) 5239231
fax (+48-22) 5239763

Biuro Administracji i Finansów: inwestycje realizowane przez MSZ, administracja nieruchomościami Skarbu Państwa położonymi poza granicami Polski / Bureau of Administration: is in charge of State Treasury property abroad administered by MFA, handles investment projects and property repairs in Poland ’s missions abroad, ensures provision of necessary equipment and materials.
tel. (+48-22) 5239700
fax (+48-22) 6210317
fax (+48-22) 5239789

Sekretariat Ministra: prowadzi sprawy związne z działalnością Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych,zapewnia obsługę Ministra w zakresie jego współpracy z Prezydentem RP, Sejmem i Senatem, Prezesem i członkami Rady Ministrów, Najwyższą Izba Kontroli oraz innymi organami administracji rządowej, samorzadu terytorialnego, partiami politycznymi, instytucjami, stowarzyszeniami i innymi organizacjami; prowadzi sprawy dotyczące patronatów i zaproszeń skierowanych do Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych jako resortu / Secretariat of the Minister: renders services to the minister pertaining to his cooperation with public administration bodies, provides secretarial and clerical attendance on the ministry’s leadership, is in charge of the minister’s agenda, coordinating his visits and appointments
tel. (+48-22) 5239201

Biuro Dyrektora Generalnego: funkcjonowanie Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych jako resortu / Bureau of the Director-General: attends on the Director-General of the foreign service, supervises organization and functioning of both the ministry and Poland ’s foreign missions, is in charge of lawmaking and ensures legal aid within the ministry, is responsible for the exercise of scrutiny in the ministry and Poland ’s foreign missions, notably for audit and internal scrutiny, supervises the execution of public procurement in the ministry and Poland ’s foreign missions
tel. (+48-22) 5238122
fax (+48-22) 5238139

Archiwum: archiwum MSZ / Archives: keeps and allows access to the ministry’s archival resources, prepares historical documentation for the ministry, establishes principles governing circulation of unclassified documents, makes subscriptions for foreign press
tel. (+48-22) 5239380
fax (+48-22) 5239109
GONIEC NR 13/2008 (221) (27 marca - 3 kwietnia 2008)
Moje wyznanie
Do pani Violetty Kardynał
Szanowni Państwo,
Dziękuję Bogu, że spotkałem na swej drodze Państwa Rodzinę.
Właściwie pracę pani Violetty "Upside Down" pokochałem już dawno, kiedy po raz pierwszy usłyszałem tylko wzmiankę w TV Polonia z Warszawy, z udziałem pani Violetty. Wtedy nie wiedziałem jeszcze, że właściwie także jesteśmy sąsiadami z rodziną państwa Kardynał na "odległość bicia serca".
Bardzo wdzięczny Pani jestem (i myślę, że mogę wystąpić w imieniu szerokiej Polonii), że tak skutecznie swym filmem podjęła Pani walkę z ignorancją historyczną młodzieży szkół średnich i wyższych (i oczywiste, że jej rodziców), a także z gronem "profesorów" na terenie Kanady (anglojęzycznego "Zachodu"). I mam nadzieję, a właściwie publiczne życzenie, by film ten stał się również obowiązkową lekturą dla uczniów szkół średnich w ramach nauczania historii, a szerzej "humanizmu", że film ten będzie przedstawiony ministrowi edukacji. Tu widzę priorytetowe zadanie dla Kongresu - KPK - i ten apel-prośbę teraz właśnie składam publicznie.
Próbuję ogarnąć ogrom trudu, jak włożyła Pani (cała Rodzina) w powstanie tego filmu-dzieła. Dwa lata minęły "szybko i ciężko". A ile ścieżek wydeptanych...
Dziękuję jeszcze raz za owoc tego Pani i Państwa Rodziny trudu.
Jest Pani wspaniałym pedagogiem, też słyszącym głosy synów. Wie Pani, że "wychowanie to dzieło miłości. Wyłożyć lekcję każdy profesor potrafi, ale nauczy i wpłynie tylko ten, kto kocha" (to słowa błogosławionej Marceliny Darowskiej). A dzięki Pani filmowi, też z inspiracji Państwa synów, wielu "profesorów" - jak widać - będzie musiało zweryfikować swą "wiedzę".
Zdaję sobie doskonale sprawę, że ta Pani praca - dla nas wszystkich przecież, to także udział całej Państwa Rodziny, a więc pana Tomasza i synów: Marcina i Kuby - z których jakże dumni mogą Państwo być. Zresztą, "jakie gniazdo, takie ptaki". A to Państwa gniazdo - Gniazdo Orła. Jeszcze raz serdecznie gratuluję i dziękuję.
Oczywistym dla mnie "odruchem" było wykonanie telefonu do KPK - który popiera Pani film i rozumie znaczenie i wielkość tego dzieła (...). Tak jak oczywistym mym odruchem wdzięczności było zadzwonienie do Kongresu, tak muszę tu napisać, wielkim zaszczytem dla mnie była rozmowa z Państwem, pani Violetto i Tomaszu.
Jeszcze raz serdecznie dziękujemy
Aleksander Jamróz
z żoną Dorotą i córką Anną
1. Pozostawiam w Państwa domu, na Pani "ręce i serce" książkę-album "Znak, któremu sprzeciwiać się będą..." (to moja odpowiedź także na "stanowisko?" aktualnego MSZ). Pozostawiam ją w domu, który dla mnie reprezentuje także "Ambasadę Najjaśniejszej Rzeczpospolitej" w sposób najlepszy, najgodniejszy. Dziękuję jeszcze raz za "Upside Down".
2. Kopię tego listu-wyznania pozwolę sobie przesłać do Kancelarii Prezydenta Rzeczpospolitej - na ręce pani minister Fotygi, a także do KPK.
3. Dziękuję panu Wojciechowi Śniegowskiemu - producentowi "Upside Down" - za jego udział w powstaniu filmu, ale oboje zdajemy sobie sprawę, że bez "perły", która "jak tęcza co sobą nie zajmuje miejsca" - czyli Pani, Pani Violetto, nie byłoby tego filmu, jakże oczekiwanego.
4. Dziękuję bardzo panu Dariuszowi Kulczyńskiemu z "Kuriera" za fachowy głos ze spotkania w dniu 24 lutego 2008 w Centrum Jana Pawła II, który także mogliśmy przeczytać w "Kurierze" przedświątecznym.
5. Dziękuję panom redaktorom A. Kumorowi i W. Magierze za stały wkład w obraz historii kraju ojczystego na obczyźnie.
Od redakcji: Dziękujemy Panu.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

XII Forum Polonijne Jerzy Czartoryski from Canada "Power Together"

XII Forum Polonijne Jerzy Czartoryski from Canada "Power Together"

XII Forum Polonijne

Jerzy Czartoryski (2008-04-28)

Obłędne plany "Tarczy"

Obłędne plany "Tarczy"

W pełnej świadomości zagrożenia ludzkości w epoce nuklearnej, coraz częściej wypowiadają się specjaliści tacy jak profesor Georgie Lewis, Cornell University, oraz profesor Teodore Postol, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, i krytykują obłędne plany wyrzutni „Tarczy” w Polsce i prowokacyjną instalację niby „super-radaru” w Czechach. Wspólny artykuł obydwu tych profesorów ukaże się w prestiżowym dwu-miesięczniku Biuletynie Naukowców Atomowych, na maj i czerwiec 2008. Obawiają się oni, że Missile Defense Agency (MDA) z Pentagonu posunęła się za daleko i może postawić USA na drodze do kolizji z arsenałem nuklearnym Rosji, na której to drodze może być bardzo trudno zawrócić, żeby uniknąć „wojny ostatecznej,” między dwoma największymi arsenałami nuklearnymi na świecie.

Realistycznym tłem dyskusji o budowie systemu „Tarczy” w Polsce i w Czech jest kryzys kubański, który zaczął się 15 października, 1962 roku, kiedy szpiegowski samolot USA, typu U-2 sfotografował budowę wyrzutni rakiet na Kubie, odległych o osiem minut lotu pocisku od stolicy USA, Waszyngtonu. Kryzys ten skończył się „polubownie” dwa tygodnie później w dniu 28 października, 1962.

Wówczas prezydent John F. Kennedy oraz sekretarz ONZ U Thant doszli do porozumienia o rozmontowaniu sowieckich wyrzutni na Kubie w zamian za przyrzeczenie, że USA nie napadnie na Kubę w celu zmiany reżymu Fidela Castro na „republikę bananową,” jak też usunie wyrzutnie rakiet amerykańskich typu Jupiter i Thor z Turcji i z Włoch.

Wcześniej, 22 października, 1962 prezydent Kennedy publicznie ogłosił, że na wypadek wystrzelenia pocisku nuklearnego z Kuby, przeciwko jednemu z państw półkuli zachodniej, Stany Zjednoczone zareagują atakiem nuklearnym przeciwko Związkowi Sowieckiemu. Jednocześnie oświadczył, że jakikolwiek statek wiozący zaczepną broń na Kubę, będzie zmuszony zawrócić.

W 1962 roku USA miało osiem razy więcej bomb i głowic nuklearnych, niż Sowiety (27,297 to 3,332). Aresztowany wówczas szpieg USA i W. Brytanii, pułkownik KGB, Oleg Penkowski, zeznał na rozprawie w 1963 roku, że przekazał 5,000 filmów sowieckich informacji technicznych oraz dał wiele godzin zeznań w zachodniej Europie. Sowietom brak było wtedy wiarogodnie wielkiego „arsenału odstraszającego.”

Obecnie USA i Rosja są super-potęgami nuklearnymi i ich arsenały nuklearne równoważą się, ale ich role zmieniły się. Rosja już nie popiera szerzenia komunizmu na globie, natomiast USA przejęło rolę budowniczego imperium światowego w imię „wolności i demokracji,” typowych haseł neokolonializmu, podczas gdy Rosja, jakoby godzi się na „status quo” w ramach swojej „suwerennej demokracji,” chronionej przed wyzyskiem przez korporacje międzynarodowe.

Polska znalazła się na terenie zderzenia interesów, między super-potęgami nuklearnymi, przez wyrażenie zgody na budowę wyrzutni amerykańskich pocisków nuklearnych w Polsce, oddalonych o cztery minuty lotu pocisku z Polski do Moskwy, co stanowi o połowę krótszy czas od lotu pocisku z Kuby do Waszyngtonu. Niedawno Wladimir Putin powiedział w Monachium, że USA stara się stworzyć świat „jedno-biegunowy,” rozpętuje wyścig zbrojeń i posługuje się siłą, w stosunkach międzynarodowych, jak też skrycie rozbudowując swój arsenał nuklearny po zerwaniu w grudniu 2001 traktatu, który od 1972 ograniczał arsenały pocisków balistycznych w USA i w Rosji.

Amerykańscy eksperci w raporcie z marca 2006 zalecają pertraktacje na wysokim szczeblu wobec zbliżającego się końca traktatu o zmniejszaniu strategicznych broni w 2009 roku i traktatu moskiewskiego w 2012 roku. Tymczasem wzrasta znaczenie „Shanghai Cooperation Organization” (SCO), w której to organizacji oficjalnymi językami są chiński i rosyjski. Iran i Pakistan starają się o członkostwo w SCO, podczas gdy członkami obecnie są Chiny, Rosja, Tadziikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazachstan i Uzbekistan. Rosjanie pomogli budować reaktor nuklearny w Iranie i dostarczyli mu do 2005 roku broni wartości ponad dwu miliardów dolarów.

Szef sztaby armii rosyjskiej generał Juri Baluszewski oświadczył 12go grudnia, 2007, że zerwanie traktatu o broni konwencjonalnej w Europie, przez Rosję jest spowodowane planami budowy wyrzutni pocisków „Tarczy” w Polsce. Rosja uważa, że system „Tarczy” jest anty-rosyjski i nawet początek przygotowań pocisku do wystrzału z Polski, może spowodować automatyczną salwę pocisków nuklearnych broniących dostępu do ośrodków kontroli i dowodzenia w Rosji (oraz jednocześnie obrócić Polskę w teren skażony radio-aktywnie).

Jest to układ, który może destabilizować świat a Polską zniszczyć. Ludzie przy władzy w Polsce, którzy zgadzają się na „Tarczę,” mają bardziej na sercu posłuszeństwo wobec CIA, niż dobro własnego narodu.

W latach 1970tych Polsce groziła salwa nuklearnych bomb amerykańskich w wypadku ofensywy sowieckiej na zachód i tworzenie w Polsce radio-aktywnej bariery. Czterdzieści lat później grozi Polsce salwa nuklearnych pocisków z Rosji, jako reakcja na możliwy wystrzał pocisku z wyrzutni „Tarczy,” a nawet przez pomyłkę w działaniu automatycznej obrony Rosji w Królewcu, na Białorusi, etc.

Ryzyka tego ogóle by nie było gdyby Polacy nie zgodzili się na budowę wyrzutni amerykańskich w Polsce. Jest słaba nadzieja, że następny prezydent USA odwoła projekt „Tarczy.” Nic dziwnego, że w Biuletynie Naukowców Atomowych, amerykańscy specjaliści i profesorowie czołowych politechnik, nazywają sam pomysł „Tarczy” obłędem („folly”).

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Born Sept. 3, 1921
Lwów, Poland

in Dec 1939 left Warsaw. Dec 30, 1939 arrested by Ukrainians serving the Gestapo in Dukla, then transferred to Barwinek, Krosno, Jaslo, Tarnów, Oswiecim, arrived in Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen on Aug. 10, 1940.

April 19, 1945 started on the Death March of Brandenburg from Sachsenhausen; escaped gunfire of SS-guards and arrived to Schwerin and freedom on May 2, 1945.

September 1945 arrived in Brussels, Belgium; obtained admission as a regular student at the Catholic University: Institute Superieur de Commerce, St. Ignace in Antwerp.

in 1954 graduated in Civil Engineering at the top of his class. Was invited to join honorary societies: Tau Beta Pi (general engineering honorary society), Phi Kappa Phi (academic honorary society equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa), Pi Mu (mechanical engineering honorary society), and Chi Epsilon (civil engineering honorary society). Taught descriptive geometry at the University of Tennessee;

in 1955 graduated with M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering.

in 1955 started working for Shell Oil Company in New Orleans. After one year of managerial training was assigned to design of marine structures for drilling and production of petroleum.

in 1960 started working for Texaco Research and Development in Houston, Texas as a Project Engineer. Authored total of 50 American and foreign patents on marine structures for the petroleum industry;
wrote an article: The Rise and Fall of the Polish Commonwealth - A Quest for a Representative Government in Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th to 18th Centuries. Started to work on a Tabular History of Poland.

in 1972 moved to Blacksburg, Virginia. During the following years worked as Consulting Engineer for Texaco, also taught in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as Adjunct Professor in the College of Civil Engineering teaching courses on marine structures of the petroleum industry. Designed and supervised the construction of a hill top home for his family, also bought 500 acre ranch (near Thomas Jefferson National Forest) where he restored 200 years old mill house on a mountain stream.

in 1978 prepared Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. The dictionary included a Tabular History of Poland, Polish Language, People, and Culture as well as Pogonowski's phonetic symbols for phonetic transcriptions in English and Polish at each dictionary entry; the phonetic explanations were illustrated with cross-sections of speech (organs used to pronounce the sounds unfamiliar to the users). It was the first dictionary with phonetic transcription at each Polish entry for use by English speakers

in 1981 prepared Practical Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1983 prepared Concise Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. Wrote an analysis of Michael Ch ci ski's Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism. Also selected crucial quotations from Norman Davies' God's Playground - A History of Poland on the subject of the Polish indigenous democratic process.

in 1985 prepared Polish-English Standard Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. Also prepared a revised and expanded edition of the Concise Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, also published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1987 prepared Poland: A Historical Atlas on Polish History and Prehistory including 200 maps and graphs as well as Chronology of Poland's Constitutional and Political Development, and the Evolution of Polish Identity - The Milestones. An introductory chapter was entitled Poland the Middle Ground. Aloysius A. Mazewski President of Polish-American Congress wrote an introduction. The Atlas was published by Hippocrene Books Inc. and later by Dorset Press of the Barnes and Noble Co. Inc. which sends some 30 million catalogues to American homes including color reproduction of book covers. Thus, many Americans were exposed to the cover of Pogonowski's Atlas showing the range of borders of Poland during the history - many found out for the firsttime that Poland was an important power in the past. Total of about 30,000 atlases were printed so far.

In 1988 the publication of Poland: A Historical Atlas resulted in a number of invitations extended by several Polonian organizations to Iwo Pogonowski to present Television Programs on Polish History. Pogonowski responded and produced over two year period 220 half-hour video programs in his studio at home (and at his own expense.) These programs formed a serial entitled: Poland, A History of One Thousand Years. Total of over 1000 broadcasts of these programs were transmitted by cable television in Chicago, Detroit-Hamtramck, Cleveland, and Blacksburg.

in 1990-1991 translated from the Russian the Catechism of a Revolutionary of 1869 in which crime has been treated as a normal part of the revolutionary program. Started preparation of the Killing the Best and the Brightest: A Chronology of the USSR-German Attempt to Behead the Polish Nation showing how the USSR became a prototype of modern totalitarian state, how this prototype was adapted in Germany by the Nazis.

in 1991 prepared Polish Phrasebook, Polish Conversations for Americans including picture code for gender and familiarity, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1991 prepared English Conversations for Poles with Concise Dictionary published by Hippocrene Books Inc. By then a total of over 100,000 Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionaries written by Pogonowski were sold in the United States and abroad.

in 1992 prepared a Dictionary of Polish, Latin, Hebrew, and Yiddish Terms used in Contacts between Poles and Jews. It was prepared for the history of Jews in Poland as well as 115 maps and graphs and 172 illustrations, paintings, drawings, and documents, etc. of Jewish life in Poland. This material was accompanied by proper annotations.

in 1993 prepared Jews in Poland, Rise of the Jews as a Nation from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. in 3000 copies. Foreword was written by Richard Pipes, professor of history at Harvard University, and Pogonowski's school mate in the Keczmar school in Warsaw. Part I included: a Synopsis of 1000 Year History of Jews in Poland; the 1264 Statute of Jewish Liberties in Poland in Latin and English translation; Jewish Autonomy in Poland 1264-1795; German Annihilation of the Jews. In appendixes are documents and illustrations. An Atlas is in the Part III. It is divided as follows: Early Jewish Settlements 966-1264; The Crucial 500 Years, 1264-1795; Competition (between Poles and Jews) Under Foreign Rule, 1795-1918; The Last Blossoming of Jewish Culture in Poland, 1918-1939; German Genocide of the Jews, 1940-1944; Jewish Escape from Europe 1945-1947 - The End of European (Polish) Phase of Jewish History (when most of world's Jewry lived in Europe). Pogonowski began to write a new book starting with the Chronology of the Martyrdom of Polish Intelligentsia during World War II and the Stalinist Terror; the book in preparation was entitled Killing the Best and the Brightest.

in 1995 prepared Dictionary of Polish Business, Legal and Associated Terms for use with the new edition of the Practical Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary and later to be published as a separate book.

in 1996 Pogonowski's Poland: A Historical Atlas; was translated into Polish; some 130 of the original 200 maps printed in color; the Chronology of Poland was also translated into Polish. The Atlas was published by Wydawnictwo Suszczy ski I Baran in Kraków in 3000 copies; additional publications are expected. Prepared Polish-English, Eglish-Polish Compact Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1997 finished preparation of the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics including over 200,000 entries, in three volumes on total of 4000 pages; it is published by Hippocrene Books Inc; the Polish title is: Uniwesalny S ownik Polsko-Angielski. Besides years of work Pogonowski spent over $50,000 on computers, computer services, typing, and proof reading in order to make the 4000 page dictionary camera ready; assisted in the preparation of second edition of Jews in Poland, Rise of the Jews from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel published in fall of 1997. Prepared computer programs for English-Polish Dictionary to serve as a companion to the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary printed by the end of May 1997.

in 1998 Pogonowski organized preparation of CD ROM for the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary, Practical English-Polish Dictionary, Polish Phrasebook for Tourists and Travelers to Poland, all published earlier by Iwo C. Pogonowski. The Phrasebook includes 280 minutes of bilingual audio read by actors. Started preparation for a new edition of Poland: A Historical Atlas. New Appendices are being prepared on such subjects as: Polish contribution to Allied's wartime intelligence: the breaking of the Enigma Codes, Pune Munde rocket production; Poland's contribution to the international law since 1415; Poland's early development of rocket technology such as Polish Rocketry Handbook published in 1650 in which Poles introduced for the first time into the world's literature concepts of multiple warheads, multistage rockets, new controls in rocket flight, etc. Poland's Chronology is being enlarged to reflect the mechanisms of subjugation of Polish people by the Soviet terror apparatus. Continued preparation of the Killing the Best and the Brightest: A Chronology of the USSR-German Attempt to Behead the Polish Nation, including the 1992 revelations from Soviet archives as well as the current research in Poland. Continued preparation of two-volume English Polish Dictionary, a companion to the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary published in 1997. Reviewed Upiorna Dekada by J. T. Gross.

in 1999 Pogonowski continued writing Poland - An Illustrated History and preparing for it 21 maps and diagrams and 89 illustrations.

in 2000 Pogonowski prepared, in a camera ready form, Poland - An Illustrated History; it was published by Hippocrene Books Inc. NY 2000 and recommended by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor under President Carter, as "An important contribution to the better understanding of Polish history, which demonstrates in a vivid fashion the historical vicissitudes of that major European nation."

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bad manners at Warsaw Ghetto Israeli teenagers-students are a nuisance in Poland AGAIN!

Bad manners at Warsaw Ghetto Israeli teenagers-students are a nuisance in Poland AGAIN!
Please do something before the next trip or do not come to Poland.

Israeli youths in Poland ceremony score failing grade with disrespectful behavior

Attila Somfalvi Published: 04.24.08, 10:36 / Israel Opinion

It’s been a while since I felt both so proud and so embarrassed to be Israeli at the same time, as I felt during my visit to Poland.

President in Poland

Peres: New Poland one of Israel's greatest EU allies / Aviram Zino

Peres speaks at length about Jewish History in Poland. ‘Remnants of death camps on Poland’s land serve as pillar of fire in our collective historical memory’
Full Story

On the one hand, I was overwhelmed by powerful patriotic feelings, nationalistic even, when I stood under the blue-and-white flags proudly carried by Israeli students in the cold winds of Auschwitz and Majdanek. On the other hand, I was red with shame in the face of the behavior of Israeli youths during events that required a little respect and restraint.

For example, the impressive and dignified ceremony organized by the Poles to mark 65 years to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising that was attended, in addition to Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Israeli President Shimon Peres, by the French foreign minister, representatives of the German and US governments, Polish senators, Holocaust survivors, war veterans, senior Polish army officers – and also hundreds of Israeli teenagers from across the nation who were just finishing an intensive journey through the death camps.

It is difficult to describe the huge Polish investment in the event. It is also difficult to describe the reverence shown by the hundreds of non-Israeli invitees to the speeches delivered by the two presidents, the singing of the El Maleh Rachamim memorial prayer, the Israeli national anthem, the Hebrew prayers, and the entire ceremony. It appeared that everyone was doing above and beyond in order to honor the memory of the Warsaw Ghetto heroes.

Yet at the same time, a few meters away, the jungle was going wild. On the Israeli side where the youth delegation members were concentrated, everyone behaved as though they were in the middle of some feast on a Tel Aviv traffic island. Only the barbeques were missing, but we had snacks, soft drinks, loud giggling, and screaming. Some students were lying on the grass while listening to their iPods. We also had group gatherings, a mini-festival of storytellers and jokers, short naps, smoking, whispers, the occasional game of “catch” accompanied by cheerful calls, nuts and seeds, and childish, embarrassing, and exaggerated panic upon hearing the gun salute. It was all there.

Teenagers have not learned a thing
Indifferent teachers were also there, busy searching for a comfortable spot to lean on. We also had Education Ministry representatives with hands in their pockets who observed what was going on without doing a thing – overall, what we had there was a great shame. With the exception of several dozen youths who bothered to follow the ceremony and hold up flags, the Mideastern party continued according to plan and with no connection to the memory of the Jews who fought the Nazis.

One of the teachers explained to me that the Education Ministry is at fault because it did not bothered to organize chairs for the Israelis and the ceremony was long. Another teacher said the students had trouble following the speeches in Polish, and therefore lost interest in what was happening around them. This explanation could have been valid had I not seen with my own eyes the lack of interest and zero respect displayed by most students to the symbols of the State of Israel during President Shimon Peres’ speech – delivered in clear and fluent Hebrew. I will make no mention of the students’ attitude to the Polish national anthem and other speakers for obvious reasons of shame.

At the heart of Warsaw, a few meters away from the Rapaport Warsaw Ghetto monument, after eight days, three concentration camps, two ghettos, and dozens of stories – the Israeli teenagers proved on the last day of their journey that they have not learned a thing.

Perhaps they know more about the Holocaust, but in all matters related to manners, culture, education, and respect to others – they scored a humiliating failing grade. And with this grade they returned home, to Israel, to their parents and education system that have indeed put them on a plane to Poland – but sent them there without any moral baggage.

Encouraged by Rabbi Israel Singer's, the General Secretary of the World Jewish Congress, statements in 1996 such as " If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims, it will be publicly attacked and humiliated in the international forum." So it is a plan to deliberately slander Poland's name and manipulate the American public's opinion against Poles. It was permitted to slander Poles now

A real hero - Witold Pilecki - A Volunteer for Auschwitz

Poland was the only country in all of Nazi-occupied Europe with death penalty for sheltering Jews. Germans knew how sympathetic Poles were to Polish Jews and in that way they could get rid of them both. Entire families, sometimes whole towns were murdered for sheltering Jews.

despite the overwhelming and deadly idea of antisemitism in the Third Reich - there were a large number of individuals and organizations (such as Zygota in Poland) that risked (and sometimes lost) their lives in the effort to save Jews? They saved thousands of Jewish children from the Nazi, smuggled them out of the Warsaw Getto and hid with Polish families

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Amedeo Minghi - Un uomo venuto da molto lontano

Amedeo Minghi - Un uomo venuto da molto lontano

The single man has ended the Cold War

Jan Paweł II - Papież ważne słowa niech adnowi ta ziemie

Jan Paweł II - Papież ważne słowa niech adnowi ta ziemie

Amedeo Minghi - Un uomo venuto da molto lontano

Jan Paweł II - Papież ważne słowa niech adnowi ta ziemie

Jan Paweł II Częstochowa - John Paul II Czestochowa 1983

Jan Paweł II Częstochowa - John Paul II Czestochowa 1983

Cold war ended because the people not the pershing's
I was there I know

Lech Alex Bajan
Washington DC

Monday, April 21, 2008

Zwiększenie do 2020 r. udziału energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w bilansie paliwowo-energetycznym do 15 proc. jest nierealne. Co na to Bruksela?

Zwiększenie do 2020 r. udziału energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w bilansie paliwowo-energetycznym do 15 proc. jest nierealne. Co na to Bruksela?
Prof. Jan Szyszko (2008-04-21)
Aktualności dnia

Zwiększenie do 2020 r. udziału energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w bilansie paliwowo-energetycznym do 15 proc. jest nierealne. Co na to Bruksela?

Zwiększenie do 2020 r. udziału energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w bilansie paliwowo-energetycznym do 15 proc. jest nierealne. Co na to Bruksela?
Prof. Jan Szyszko (2008-04-21)
Aktualności dnia

Czy prof. Zdzisław Ryn zrezygnował ze stanowiska ambasadora?

Czy prof. Zdzisław Ryn zrezygnował ze stanowiska ambasadora?prof. Jerzy Achmatowicz - Latynoamerykanista (2008-04-19)Aktualności dniasłuchajzapisz

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ksiądz arcybiskup Sławoj Leszek Głódź został nowym metropolitą gdańskim. Dotychczasowy biskup warszawsko-praski zastąpi na stolicy biskupiej w Gdańsku

Ksiądz arcybiskup Sławoj Leszek Głódź został nowym metropolitą gdańskim. Dotychczasowy biskup warszawsko-praski zastąpi na stolicy biskupiej w Gdańsku ks. abp. Tadeusza Gocłowskiego, który przechodzi na emeryturę. Decyzję Ojca Świętego ogłosiła wczoraj w południe Nuncjatura Apostolska w Warszawie.

- Przyjmuję tę decyzję w duchu posłuszeństwa. O tę diecezję i o tę decyzję nie zabiegałem, wprost przeciwnie - powiedział ks. abp Sławoj Leszek Głódź podczas wczorajszej konferencji prasowej zwołanej tuż po oficjalnym ogłoszeniu nominacji. Nowy metropolita gdański przyznał, że "swoją pracę, swoją przyszłość, swoją posługę" wiązał z diecezją warszawsko-praską, którą pokochał i z którą czuł się coraz bardziej związany. Ksiądz arcybiskup Głódź przypomniał, że podczas swojego ingresu ponad trzy lata temu zapowiedział, iż diecezja zyskała biskupa na 15 lat. - Przepraszam, że nie dotrzymałem słowa - zażartował. - Teraz pragnę kontynuować dzieło rozpoczęte i prowadzone od ponad 20 lat przez arcybiskupa Tadeusza Gocłowskiego - dodał nowy metropolita gdański.
Wykorzystując obecność dziennikarzy, poprzez nich ks. abp Sławoj Leszek Głódź zwrócił się do swoich nowych diecezjan. - Idę do was z sercem gotowym i ofiarnym na wypełnienie biskupich zadań, które powierzył mi Papież Benedykt XVI. I wierzę, że przyjmiecie mnie z miłością i ufnością, bo przecież mamy razem iść i się modlić. Włączam was od dziś w moje modlitwy i proszę, byście mnie włączyli w wasze - powiedział nowy metropolita gdański.
- Ksiądz arcybiskup Sławoj Leszek Głódź posiada bardzo wiele wspaniałych kwalifikacji. Przy okazji tej nominacji na metropolitę gdańskiego należy przypomnieć o jego wielkim zaangażowaniu w sprawy rodzącej się i działającej w Białymstoku "Solidarności", przed stanem wojennym, podczas niego i po nim. Teraz będzie pełnił posługę w Gdańsku - stolicy "Solidarności" - mówi w rozmowie z "Naszym Dziennikiem" o nowym metropolicie gdańskim ks. bp Antoni Pacyfik Dydycz z Drohiczyna.
Nowy metropolita gdański podkreśla, że każdy biskup wnosi rys własnej osobowości i formacji do wspólnej drogi apostolskiej posługi. - Rozumiem specyfikę archidiecezji gdańskiej, ziemi o złożonej historii i tradycji narodów, kultur i języków. Myślę, że ją rozpoznam, przychodzę bowiem z podobnej ziemi, która mnie ukształtowała - z archidiecezji wileńskiej, która, podobnie jak gdańska, jest ziemią wspólnoty i jedności różnych kultur i narodów - stwierdził.
Sebastian Karczewski

Wszystko zawierzamy Bogu - komentarz ks. bp. Antoniego Pacyfika Dydycza - Wiara Ojców.

Walczę dla Chrystusa - biografia nowego metropolity gdańskiego - Wiara Ojców.

MAREK GRECHUTA - Dni ktorych nie znamy

MAREK GRECHUTA - Dni ktorych nie znamy

Saturday, April 19, 2008

zakazane piosenki - piosenka w tramwaju

zakazane piosenki - piosenka w tramwaju

Legenda Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego.Rota

Legenda Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego.Rota

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Zdewastowano kolejny pomnik katyński sluchaj mp3

Zdewastowano kolejny pomnik katyński sluchaj mp3

Zdewastowano kolejny pomnik katyński
Halina Młuńczak - Członek Rodziny Katyńskiej (2008-04-08)
Aktualności dnia

Dotacja dla dobra Polski i Radio Maryja jedynej ostoi niezaleznych mediow.

Konta złotówkowe
- PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruń
nr 69 1020 5011 0000 9602 0012 9130
- Bank Pocztowy S.A. O/Toruń
nr 77 1320 1120 2565 1113 2000 0003
z dopiskiem: "Dar na cele kultu religijnego"
Konta walutowe
EUR - PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruń
ul. Grudziądzka 4, 87-100 Toruń
nr 65 1020 5011 0000 9602 0105 7298
Funty GBP - PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruń
ul. Grudziądzka 4, 87-100 Toruń
nr 08 1020 5011 0000 9502 0105 7306
Dolary USD - PKO BP S.A. II/O Toruń
ul. Grudziądzka 4, 87-100 Toruń
nr 13 1020 5011 0000 9302 0105 7314
(Ofiarodawcy spoza Polski przed numerem konta winni dopisać symbol PL, a po numerze: SWIFT - BPKOPLPW)

Konto w USA
CHICAGO, IL 60639-0565

Konto w Kanadzie
St. Stanislaus - St. Casimir's Polish Parishes - Credit Union Limited
40 John St., Oakville, ONT L6K 1G8
Numer konta: 84920

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Polish catholic woman Sendler Irena Mother of the Holocaust Children

Polish catholic woman Sendler Irena Mother of the Holocaust Children

Polish Woman Sendler Irena Mother of the Holocaust Children

Irena Sendler: WWII Rescuer and Hero
by Peter K. Gessner

Irena Sendler

Irena Sendler was born in 1910. Her father was a socialist and a doctor in Otwock, a town some 15 miles southeast of Warsaw. Most of his patients were Jewish.

In October 1942, when in German-occupied Poland the Council for Aid to Jews - codename "Zegota" - was organized by the Polish Underground, Sendler was one of its first recruits. Thirty-two years old, she was at the time a Senior Administrator in the Warsaw Welfare Department. She had already been very involved in helping Jews before the Germans set up the Jewish Ghetto. She became the director of the Children’s Section of Zegota using the codename: Jolanta.

Sendler had already been helping Jews well before becoming the founding of Zegota. Her Welfare Department operated canteens for orphans, poor people and the destitute in every district of the city. Jews, whose bank accounts, real estate and property had been quickly confiscated by the Germans, found themselves among the ranks of the poor, yet by German edict were denied all forms of assistance. Sendler, having recruited at least one co-worker, or more correctly, co-conspirator from each of the ten centers of the Welfare Department, strove to find ways to circumvent the German edicts. Jewish families were registered under fictitious Christian names, were registered for short periods a tenants and to prevent inspections, their families were reported as being afflicted with such highly infectious diseases as typhus and tuberculosis. When the Ghetto was sealed, however, 90% of the 3000 Jews that were being helped through her efforts, ended up behind its walls.

Irena Sendler receiving the In the Service of Health medal from Poland's Minister of Health. Warsaw, October 1958

To be able to enter the Ghetto, she managed to obtain for herself and her co-conspirator, Irena Schultz, official passes from doctors in Warsaw’s Epidemic Control Department that allowed them to legally entre the Ghetto. They visited the Ghetto daily, reestablished contacts and brought themselves or arrange for others to bring to the Ghetto food, medicines, money and clothing. However, given the terrible conditions in the Ghetto, where 5,000 people were dying a month from starvation and disease, the two decided to help people, particularly children, to get out of the Ghetto. This was no easy task. Moreover it got more difficult as time went on and the Germans sealed the various avenues - underground passages, holes in the Ghetto wall, etc. - that were used in the process. Some guards could be bribed, and children could and sometimes were thrown over the Ghetto wall.

For Sendler, a young mother herself, persuading parents to part with their children was in itself a horrendous task. Finding families on the Christian - so called Aryan side - willing to shelter the children, and thereby willing to risk being executed if the Germans ever found out, was also not easy. As a rule, the children were first placed in a temporary shelter, then to a foster home after they had somewhat recovered from their period of destitution. There was also a need to wait for them to receive from the Polish Underground false identity papers that were good enough to pass German muster. Each child had to be provided with a factitious birth and baptismal certificate and a family history of parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, etc. which the children, if old enough, had to commit to memory. Sendler carefully noted, in coded form, the children’s original names and their new identities and buried the information in glass jars in a garden so that at some point in the future they could be returned to their parents, or at least know who they had been. In all Sendler, her jars contained the names of 2,500 children.

On October 20, 1943 Sendler was arrested by the Gestapo. Although subjected to beatings and torture during which both of her feet and legs were broken, but not her spirit: she revealed nothing. Never again would she be able to walk without crutches. Sentenced to death, she was rescued by Zegota which, fearful that she would break down and reveal the location of the children, managed to bribe a guard to check off her name on a list of those already executed. As a result, she was listed on public bulletin boards as among those on whom a sentence of death had been carried out.

Rescued, she had to assume a completely new identity and liver an entirely new life. She could not visit her dying mother, nor attend her funeral. But she did again become deeply involved in the work of Zegota and after the war was able to give the children’s who’s who identify information to the Central Committee of Polish Jews.

In the post-war period she again immersed herself in the area of Social Welfare, working in the Ministry of Health. Having been in the Polish Underground was not looked upon with favor by Poland’s communist masters. Though she was never arrested by the Communist authorities, she was threatened that her children was not be allowed to have access to higher education.

In 1965 she accorded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by the Yad Vashem organization in Jerusalem and in 1991 she was made an honorary citizen of Israel. Interviewed in 1995 on camera in a 40-minute French documentary by Polish-born writer and film-maker Marek Halter, Sendler, her squinty, blue eyes awash with tears, recounted how she smuggled Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto in an ambulance. In the front seat, a dog barked loudly to drown out the cries of her small passengers. Still visited by some of Jews she saved, ``I could have done more,'' she said. ``This regret will follow me to my death.''

Now 91 years old and confined to a wheelchair she continues to live in Warsaw where in May, 2001 she was visited by a group of four high school students from a rural school in Uniontown, Kansas. The students, accompanied by their parents and history teacher, came to meet the person whose life story inspired then to create a prize-winning dramatic presentation "Life in a Jar." The presentation, seen in many venues in the United States and popularized by National Public Radio, C-SPAN and CBS has brought Sendlers story of great courage and dedication to a wider public.
On August 22, 1939, a week before his attack on Poland, Hitler exhorted his nation: "Kill without pity or mercy all men, women and children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space we need." As many as 200,000 Polish children, deemed to have "Germanic" (Aryan) features, were forcibly taken to Germany to be raised as Germans, and had their birth records falsified. Very few of these children were reunited with their families after the war.

More than 500 towns and villages were burned, over 16 thousand persons, mostly Polish Christians, were killed in 714 mass executions, of which 60% were carried out by the Wehrmacht (German army) and 40% by the SS and Gestapo. In Bydgoszcz the first victims were boy scouts from 12 to 16 years old, shot in the marketplace. All this happened in the first eight weeks of the war. See Richard C. Lucas, The Forgotten Holocaust; The Poles under German Occupation. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky [c1986].
In the East, the Russians, collaborating with the Germans (Hitler-Stalin Pact of Aug. 23, 1939) attacked Poland on September 17, 1939, and occupied the eastern part of Poland until June 1941. Massive killings followed, among them 21,857 officers, mostly reserve members of the army, police and frontier guards, whose bodies were found later in Katyn, Miednoye, Kharkov and Tver. Other bodies from these massacres have never been found. About two million Poles, mostly members of the intelligentsia, were deported to Siberia or to Kazakhstan in North and Central Asia. More than half never returned; thousands were killed in the fighting and over 452,000 became POWs in Soviet Russia. Poland disappeared from the European map, divided between Third Reich and the Soviet Union.

Out of its pre-war population of 36 million, Poland lost 22%, the highest percentage than any other country in Europe. The heaviest losses were sustained by educated classes, youth and democratic forces that could challenge totalitarianism later on. See I. C. Pogonowski, Poland: A Historical Atlas. New York, Hippocrene Books, 1987.

According to the German AB Plan, Poles were to become a people without education, slaves for the German overlords. Secondary schools were closed; studying, keeping radios, or weapon of any kind, or practicing any kind of trade were prohibited under the threat of death.

In 1988, the public prosecutor, Waclaw Bielawski, from the Main Commission for Investigation of Crimes Against the Polish Nation, issued a list of 1,181 names of Poles who had been killed for helping Jews during World War II. In 1997, the Main Commission – The Institute of National Memory and The Polish Society for The Righteous Among the Nations in Warsaw, published Part III in the series Those Who Helped: Polish Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust. It reduced the list of 1,181 names to only 704, by accepting only those whose accounts could be independently corroborated and verified fifty years later. The publication also included the names of more than 5,400 Poles, who have been recognized by the Israeli Yad Vashem Institute – The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, as “Righteous Among the Nations.” About 17,000 people of 34 nationalities were similarly honored. In Western Europe the automatic death sentence for help rendered to Jews did not exist, and applying it to a whole family or neighbors was unthinkable. The reign of terror that was organized in Poland was completely unique, and unimaginable in the West.

Those who were executed are not usually recognized as “Righteous”. They were generally murdered with the Jews they harbored, so there were no Jewish witnesses, while the Polish witnesses were not taken into consideration. Only in very rare cases (25 that were known in 1999), when a Jew managed to escape death and lived long enough to make the proper deposition in an Israeli consulate or at Yad Vashem (the State Tribunal of Israel) in Jerusalem, could the rescuers be recognized as “Righteous Among the Nations.”

Saving Jews was very difficult, as about 85% of Poland’s Jews either did not speak Polish or spoke a dialect. In many cases, Jews were easily distinguished by their appearance.

Poland, under the Soviet-imposed communist regime that lasted from 1948 until 1989, was cut from the West. Poles lost contact with the Jewish persons they saved, most of whom left the country. Many Polish Jews changed their names, either under the occupation or after settling abroad. Furthermore, it was dangerous to maintain correspondence with the West. Many of the rescuers also changed their addresses, due to the massive migration from the eastern part of the country, incorporated into the Soviet Union, to the western territories that were taken from Germany after the war.

The stories of the rescuers are a shining example of the most selfless sacrifice, surpassing in its heroism that of all the soldiers on the battlefield, whom we commemorate each November. In fact the soldier must fight; he cannot refuse. He is supported by the entire military organization and his efforts are mostly limited to battles that have a clear beginning and an end. He is paid and given the food, supplies and weapons that he needs.

Rescuers of Jews in Poland – on the other hand – were completely alone, often deprived of their pre-war means of livelihood, expelled from their farms, factories, businesses, offices and even homes, most of them living in dire poverty. For ome of them it was virtually impossible to earn a living. They were under no legal obligation to risk their own lives and, even more, the lives of their families and neighbors. Their help most often lasted days and nights, weeks, months, even years, always in secret, and always in the risk of discovery.

And what about the Polish woman, 95-year-old Irena Sendlerowa, who is credited with saving the lives of 2,500 Jews? Sendlerowa led about 20 helpers who smuggled Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto to safety between 1940 and 1943, placing them in Polish families, convents or orphanages.

She wrote the children's names on slips of paper and buried them in jars in a neighbor's yard as a record that could help locate their parents after the war. The Nazis arrested her in 1943, but she refused - despite repeated torture - to reveal their names.

Anyone caught helping Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland risked being instantaneously shot, along with family members.

Even now, more than half a century after the end of the war, questions are still being asked: What was the Polish nation's response to the unfolding Jewish Tragedy? Did the Poles try to help the Jews? How much help could have been actually offered in view of the rigours imposed by German Occupation? Such questions call for a well-considered response based on historical facts.

Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where - throughout the duration of the war - a secret organisation existed whose express purpose was to help the Jews and find, at least for some of them, a place of safety. Initially coordinated by several committees, in December 1942 this action culminated in the creation of the Relief Council for Jews in Poland, code name 'Zegota'.

'Zegota' (1) organised financial aid and medical care for the Jews hiding on the 'Aryan side', and procured for them forged identity documents. 'Zegota' was successful in providing accommodation for many. This presented an extremely difficult problem as discovery of a person of Jewish origin on the premises resulted in an immediate execution of all the occupants.

E. Ringelblum (2) describes hundreds of such cases.

Some 2500 Jewish children from Warsaw were saved by 'Zegota' by placing them either with catholic Polish foster-families or in orphanages run by convents or local councils. Also, help in the form of money, food and medicines was organised by 'Zegota' for the Jews in several forced-labour camps in Poland.

As soon as the Jewish Tragedy became apparent, the Polish Government-in-Exile, the Underground State and Polish diplomacy embarked on a massive campaign, informing the free world of the plight of the Jews. Efforts were made to obtain help for them from the Allied Governments, the Vatican and from various organisations in the Allied countries. There were countless broadcasts, articles in the press, organised meetings, approaches to Allied leaders and governments in which the Free Polish leaders, ministers, politicians and diplomats over and over again informed that a crime of genocide was being committed by the Germans against the Jews. (3). The full story of the Jewish Tragedy was brought to the Allied countries by special couriers from the Polish Resistance, one of them gaining access to the inside of the Warsaw Ghetto and to a death camp. The couriers tried to persuade the Allies and the Jewish organisations that there was a real danger and urgency to help the Jews. Unfortunately the efforts of the Poles were in vain. The Allies were too busy with the on-going war to consider the plight of the Jews in Poland. The Jewish organisations in the free world could not bring themselves to believe the Polish reports - they thought it was all an exaggeration.

So, where were the rich and influential Jews from New York and London? What did they do to help their folks? And so, one more time the same question appears: HOW DARE Mrs. Pilar Rahola and El Pais atack Polish people and Poland?

The military wing of the Polish Underground State, the Home Army, tried to involve the Jewish organisations in Poland in resistance activities. At first, there was much reluctance on their part to participate. However, in 1942 the Jewish resistance movement began. The Home Army helped by providing military intelligence, communication with the Allies and eventually by providing some weapons, explosives and military expertise for the fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (4).

It is worth noting here that Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes Remembrance Authority, has recently expressed both thanks and appreciation to the special unit of the 'Zoska' Battalion of the Polish Home Army, which in August 1944 captured the Warsaw Concentration Camp, the so-called 'Gesiowka', liberating 348 prisoners, Polish and European Jews.

Now, what about the ordinary Polish people - were they prepared to offer help to the Jews? At the early stage of Poland's occupation the Jews were selected for special treatment by the Occupant. This meant gradual isolation, degradation, starvation and eventual denial of the right to life for all Polish Jews.

Poland was the only country in all of Nazi-occupied Europe with death penalty for sheltering Jews. Germans knew how sympathetic Poles were to Polish Jews and in that way they could get rid of them both. Entire families, sometimes whole towns were murdered for sheltering Jews. Besides, 75% of the Jewish popiulation spoke only Yiddish, which later became a problem for those who wanted to be saved and pretend to be Poles.

The harsh reality of life for the rest of Poland's population was that everybody was preoccupied with the constant struggle for survival. To find work, to obtain enough food and other necessities of life - all these were of utmost importance to very many. Furthermore, there was the constant fear of being arrested and sent to a concentration camp, to forced labour in Germany, or to be taken as a hostage for public execution by a firing squad or hanging.

Three million Poles and three million Polish Jews perished as a result of the German occupation. Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where giving any kind of help to the Jews resulted in a collective execution of the helper and his or her family. Under such circumstances it would require a person of a special kind of courage and love of humanity to offer help to a Jew. How many saints would one find in any given community? How many such people would we find in Western Europe in the times of war? And yet there were Polish people who did help. It has always been difficult to establish the exact number of helpers, but some idea of that number can be gleaned from the Yad Vashem list of the 'Righteous among the Nations' (1). The list, as of 1st January 1997, gives the names of 14,706 persons from 34 nationalities who helped the Jews. 4,954 of them are Polish helpers. Among them are listed 11 catholic clergymen and 18 nuns. Only three organisations are honoured by Yad Vashem, one being the Polish organisation 'Zegota'. It is likely that - as research into the role of the Polish people in the Holocaust continues - the list of Polish names will grow.

Those listed are the helpers who survived and their heroism was verified by those whom they helped. But there were many who paid the ultimate price. In most cases those whom they were trying to help perished with them. The publication 'Those who helped' (1) lists 704 Poles who were killed because they helped the Jews. Places and dates are also given of mass executions by the Germans (the so-called pacifications of villages) of a further 143 Poles who rendered help to the Jews. To obtain and verify the names of those helpers who perished presents an even more difficult problem. Inevitably there will remain a large number of unknown heroes.

One can finally ask: Was the help given to the Jews of some significance? Stewart Steven, who in his book 'The Poles' (5), gives an extensive account of Polish-Jewish relations, offers the following conclusion: 'Maybe Poland could have done more for its Jewish population, but then so could every country of occupied Europe. The record shows that the Poles did more than most'.

So, what can we say about Poles, mostly Roman Catholic, who risked their own lives to save Jews from the Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Poland? But it is fair to say that rescuers came from every religious background: Protestant and Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Muslim.

What about the fact that - despite the overwhelming and deadly idea of antisemitism in the Third Reich - there were a large number of individuals and organizations (such as Zygota in Poland) that risked (and sometimes lost) their lives in the effort to save Jews? They saved thousands of Jewish children from the Nazi, smuggled them out of the Warsaw Getto and hid with Polish families?

What about Jan Karski, a courier for the Polish government-in-exile, who alerted British and American politicians to Nazi plans to murder the Jews? After an unsuccessful attempt in Great Britain, he went to the United States to give all the proof of the Holocaust to the US President and the US Congress.

Finally, what about the Jewish collaborators with the communist regime under Stalin in eastern part of Poland after the 1939 Russia aggression?

Where is your journalistic code of ethics and – at least – common sence? Such articles as the one by Mrs. Pilar Rahola contribute even more to the ever-present anti-Polonism in the American and European media. Besides, it is too difficult to understand when the reader is not provided with wider information and truthful publications.

The double standards are evident by calling an event, such as the one in Jedwabne, an act of anti-Semitism, while burning a synagogue in Worcester, Mass in the United States was called "an act of vandalism", and a shooting in the Jewish Children Center in California - "an act of a mad man". If such acts took place in Poland, surely they would have been called anti-Semitic. American patriotism applied to Poles changes into nationalism.

For 1000 years, Poland had been the spiritual and religious center of Jewish Diaspora and produced one of the greatest world centers of Talmudic studies. 300 papers in Hebrew were published in Warsaw alone. Jews, unlike Blacks in America, were not forced to settle in Poland; they prospered, attended colleges and universities, owned factories, etc.

As early as in 1264, King Boleslav of Poland issued a charter inviting the Jews there. The charter was an amazing document, granting Jews unprecedented rights and privileges. For example, it stated that::
"The testimony of a Christian alone may not be admitted in a matter which concerns the money or property of a Jew. In every such incidence there must be the testimony of both a Christian and a Jew. If a Christian injures a Jew in any which way, the accused shall pay a fine to the royal treasury."

"If a Christian desecrates or defiles a Jewish cemetery in any which way, it is our wish that he be punished severely as demanded by law."

"If a Christian should attack a Jew, the Christian shall be punished as required by the laws of this land. We absolutely forbid anyone to accuse the Jews in our domain of using the blood of human beings."

"We affirm that if any Jew cry out in the night as a result of violence done to him, and if his Christian neighbors fail to respond to his cries and do not bring the necessary help, they shall be fined."

"We also affirm that Jews are free to buy and sell all manner of things just as Christians, and if anyone hampers them, he shall pay a fine."

Polish King Kazimierz was favorably disposed towards Jews. On October 9, 1334, he confirmed the privileges granted to Jewish Poles in 1264 by Boleslav V. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of enforced Christian baptism. He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries. And although Jews had lived in Poland since before the reign of King Kazimierz, he allowed them to settle in Poland in great numbers and protected them as people of the king.

Another Polish king, Sigmund II Augustus, issued another invitation. Here is an excerpt from his edict, granting the Jews permission to open a yeshiva at Lublin, dated August 23, 1567:
"As a result of the efforts of our advisors and in keeping with the request of the Jews of Lublin we do hereby grant permission to erect a yeshiva and to outfit said yeshiva with all that is required to advance learning. All the learned men and rabbis of Lublin shall come together for among their number they shall choose one to serve as the head of the yeshiva. Let their choice be a man who will magnify Torah and bring it glory."


In Poland, the Jews were allowed to have their own governing body called the Va'ad Arba Artzot, which was composed of various rabbis who oversaw the affairs of the Jews in eastern Europe. The Poles did not interfere with Jewish life and Jewish scholarship flourished.

Some important personalities of this period, which every student of Jewish history should remember, were:

Rabbi Moshe Isserles (1525-1572), from Krakow, also known as the Rema. After the Sephardi rabbi Joseph Karo wrote the Shulchan Aruch, the code of Jewish Law, Rabbi Isserles annotated it to fill in the rabbinic decisions from Eastern Europe. His commentary was, and continues to be, critically important in everyday Jewish life.

Rabbi Ya'akov Pollack (1455-1530), from Krakow. He opened the first yeshivah in Poland and was later named the chief rabbi of Poland. He developed a method of learning Talmud called pilpul, meaning "fine distinctions." This was a type of dialectical reasoning that became very popular, whereby contradictory facts or ideas were systematically weighed with a view to the resolution of their real or apparent contradictions.

Rabbi Yehudah Loewe, (1526-1609), not from Poland but important to Eastern European Jewry. He was known as the Maharal of Prague and was one of the great mystical scholars of his time. He has been credited with having created the golem, a Frankenstein figure, a living being without a soul.

Along with the growth in Torah scholarship came population growth. In 1500 there were about 50,000 Jews living in Poland. By 1650 there were 500,000 Jews. This means that by the mid 17th century about majority of the Jewish population of the world was living in Poland!

Where did these Jews settle within Poland?

Jews were generally urban people as they were historically not allowed to own land in most of the places they lived. However, they also created their own farm communities called shtetls. Although we tend to think of the shtetl today as a poor farming village (like in Fiddler on the Roof), during the Golden Age of Polish Jewry many of these communities were actually quite prosperous. And there were thousands of them.
The Jews in these independent communities spoke their own language called Yiddish. Original Yiddish was written in Hebrew letters and was a mixture of Hebrew, Slavic, and German. (Note that Yiddish underwent constant development and "modern" Yiddish is not like the "old" Yiddish which first appeared in the 13th century, nor "middle" Yiddish of this period of time.) Overall, the Jews did well, working alongside Polish and Ukrainian Christians

How many African Americans till the 20th century were able to do so?

Jews came to Poland on their own will, to the country of great opportunity. They found shelter from the hostilities of Western Europe, stayed in and prospered, had representatives in the Polish parliament, and had the freedom of expressing their religion and customs. In some towns of Eastern Poland, Jews accounted for more than 50% of the occupants. They were respected citizens. So, how could this be possible if the country was anti-Semitic, as it is widely presented in the book by Jan Tomasz Gross?

Polish Jews enjoyed equal rights and full protection of the law under the Polish government. The laws changed under the rule of Prussia, Russia, and Austria. But we need to keep in mind that it also affected Poles as well. Their situation improved again after WWI when the Polish government was reestablished.

Why, between the wars, was the Jewish population growing 6 times faster than the Christian population, if the alleged anti-Semitism took place?

The only prejudice that you can accuse Polish people of is to be anti-Communist. Marek Edelman, the last leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, who still lives in Poland, said: "It is not a Jew who is the enemy, it is an enemy who is Jewish." I'm sorry to destroy the beautiful image of the peaceful and innocent Jewish people but at the time of the massacre it was well known that there were "informers," "observers," "advisors," or in plain English "Soviet collaborators" among Jews then and through the war and after.

Those did not see the wrong they were doing, the comfort came from accepting a different way of thinking. They considered themselves Poles or Polish Jews before the war, now comfortably became only Jews, so there were no ties of loyalty to Poland or to the Polish people. Collaborators gave away Poles and Jews as well (Jakub Berman as an example).

But this would be too difficult to understand for us who - for decades - were fed on anti-Polish propaganda. The same propaganda that the Nazis and later the Soviets used and which is now being repeated with a nauseating consistency by the American press.

It is the backwardness of American Jews to prefer that stereotype. I was hoping that with the raising of the Iron Curtain, the flow of information about Poland would be available to the average American reader and TV viewer. Unfortunately, that did not happen. We rather prefer to publish such articles as the one in El Pais. Also, hiding Polish accomplishments from the public only adds to the image of the Poles as some primitive tribe. The fact that Poland's economy is one of fastest growing in Europe is a thorn in the eye for some. The anti-Polish sentiment spreads to minimize their success. We already forgot who first faced the Soviet power and fought Communism. And last, but not least, the public does not know that presently Poland and Israel have a very good relationship.

We must not forget that Poland was not only a victim during WWII but only recently freed herself from under Soviet occupation. We should remember that Communism in Poland was FORCED upon its people, that Soviets placed Jews on high positions, which triggered atrocities. There is no perfect nation in the world – there are always honorable citizens and there is scum in all of them. But it seems that we only find the bad in Poles and all the good in Jews. For[AB1] a well-balanced story, the authors should mention what Soviet Jews did to Poles (Koniuchy massacre) and the fact that – out of 34 countries altogether – the Poles are those who have the biggest number of trees at Yad Vashem.

I guess American Jews don't rush to reveal some other information to the American public like: what were the Judenrat and the Jewish Police doing in the ghettos? Who took over the houses of Polish officers and their families in the east of pre-war Poland when they were taken to Siberia?

Do we inform that Poland's government was the only one in Nazi-occupied Europe to sponsor the organization to help Jews escaping the ghettos?

What did American Jews do to help their dying brothers?

In the American consciousness the Holocaust has become synonymous with Jewish history. Historical literature of the Holocaust has focused on the six million Jewish victims with the exclusion of the sixteen to twenty million Gentile (non-Jewish) victims.

We allow speculation on almost every aspect of Polish-Jewish relationship, never asking: "Why don't we speculate how many Jews would save Poles if the roles were reversed?"

For me, to have a different opinion is to risk being called an anti-Semite. An intelligent but objective Jewish person is called a "self-hating Jew". A "bystander" is someone who chose not to give his and his family's life for a strange, Jewish person.

Good things are happening in Poland .We don't rush to tell about the annual Jewish Festival in Krakow or about the opening of yet another Jewish school in Warsaw. Or even about the commemorating of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We don't rush to tell about "Fiddler on the Roof" in Yiddish at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. Instead, we publish misleading stories about a music concert in Auschwitz (!?) and killings in Jedwabne. Why is that? American historians should stop wasting their ink only writing about alleged Polish anti-Semitism. Any atrocities toward Jews either occurred during Nazi or Soviet occupation or were triggered by revenge and greed, not to be mistaken with anti-Semitism. Also, to suggest that all Polish Jews are long gone is wrong, many prospered and became famous: actors (Holoubek, Zapasiewicz, Himilsbach, Rudzki), movie critics (Waldorf), writers (Tuwim), philosophers and editors (Michnik), politicians (Mazowiecki, Suchocka), musicians (Szpilman, Zimmerman), heart surgeons (Marek Edelman), athletes (Kirszenstein a.k.a. Szewinska), singers (Szmeterling a.k.a. Jantar). Some Polish Jews just recently became interested in their religion; Jewish schools are reopening, while the synagogues, museums, and Jewish cultural institutes have always been present in Poland's cultural life. Positive Jewish characters are in every Polish classic; there are streets named after Jewish heroes; monuments accommodate their heroism and their tragedy. All this does not seem like an anti-Semitic country, does it? But it will stay in the American media, as long as we allow it to.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Naomi Klein vs. Alan Greenspan on Inequality

Naomi Klein vs. Alan Greenspan on Inequality

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rozmowy niedokończone Radio Maryja Sluchaj

Rozmowy niedokończone Radio Maryja Sluchaj

Rozmowy niedokończone (część I)

święta prawda - czemu inne media "demokratyczne", "liberalne", "tolerancyjne" nie dopuszczają tych niewygodnych poglądów ?

Kto zapłaci za rurociąg?

Kto zapłaci za rurociąg? red. Witold Stanisław Michałowski (2008-04-05)

Aktualności dnia słuchajzapisz

OD WYDAWCY Oddajemy do rąk czytelników 50 numer kwartalnika RUROCIĄGI.Gorzka satysfakcja. Przetrwaliśmy jednak. To zwycięstwo. Mimo piorunów kulistych i aktywności autorytetów moralnych polskiej palestry wynajmowanych przez pewnego miliardera aby uniemożliwić nasze istnienie. Nadal jest skuteczny mechanizm którym się Moskwa posługuje od paru wieków Niedawno był nim brak systemu finansowania partii politycznych. Przedstawiciele wszystkich opcji antyszambrowali u tego samego miliardera żebrząc o kasę.Asystowali im niestety niektórzy z biskupów promujących interesy GAZPROMU.Jako pierwsi w Niepodległej Rzeczypospolitej podejmowaliśmy problematykę geopolityki rurociągowej, rozszyfrowaliśmy mechanizm JAMAŁGATE, ujawniliśmy konsekwencje jakie dla tarczy antyrakietowej może mieć fakt ułożenia wzdłuż Gazociągu Bałtyckiego kabla światłowodowego Inicjowaliśmy też konferencje n/t wykorzystania krajowego potencjału surowców energetycznych oraz zagrożeń terrorystycznych grożących rurociągom.Proponowaliśmy wzniesienie w Baku pomnika Witolda Zglenickiego.Nie udało się nam niestety doprowadzić do anulowania pakietu wasalnych porozumień gazowych z Rosją, oraz powstania terminalu LNG. Nadal jest też nie uchwalona ustawa Prawo Sieciowe.Z satysfakcją odnotować należy, że dobiegają już kresu rządy ignorantów skupionych decydujących do niedawna o polityce energetycznej RP.Opinia publiczna domaga się coraz intensywniej ujawnienia nazwisk beneficjantów prowizji towarzyszących kontraktom „gazowym”, oraz czy w obu przypadkach zostały zapłacone należne podatki. Dotyczy to zarówno kontraktów na zakupy w Rosji blisko 300 mld. m3 gazu jak i mikroskopijnych „pól gazonośnych” u granic Norwegii.Jak skrzeczą mewy nad fiordami przedstawiciele GAZPROMU negocjują przejęcie ich pod swoją kontrolę. Panowie Woźniak i Naimski powinni wytłumaczyć się dlaczego wprowadzali nas wszystkich w błąd twierdząc, że będziemy dysponowali możliwością dywersyfikacji dostaw gazu. W jaki sposób? Budowa podmorskiego gazociągu z złóż o tak niewielkich zasobach jest z cała pewnością nieopłacalna a aby móc skorzystać z dostaw LNG czyli gazu skroplonego Polska powinna dysponować terminalem którego nadal nie posiada.W pełni się zgadzając z opinią byłego prezydenta Litwy, że należy powstrzymać rosyjską ekspansję na rynkach energetycznych w Europie. Apeluję jednak aby czynić to z rozumem i rozsądkiem… umno. Powinniśmy uczynić wszystko co leży w naszej mocy aby do mieszkańców Unii nareszcie dotarło, że przy negocjacjach na zakup gazu i ropy naftowej wydobywanej na terytorium syberyjskiej kolonii powinni być obecni przedstawiciele prawdziwych gospodarzy tych obszarów i że najdalej za parę dekad w Azji rosyjski ustąpi miejsca językom należącym do tureckiej grupy językowej. Witold St. Michałowski

Friday, April 4, 2008

Jan Paweł II John Paul II The Great cause end of the communist.

Jan Paweł II John Paul II The Great cause end of the communist.


My tribute to John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla 1920-2005

Pope's election (Iohannes Paulus II - Karol Wojtyla)

Polski teolog Karol Wojtyła

Grazie, Giovanni Paolo II

Polish-Swedish Wars

Edyta Gorniak & Mietek Szczesniak - Dumka na 2 serca

Marek Grechuta - Ojczyzna

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